Hey Dudes, Jake here:
Absolutely understand wanting to get the best fit for your driving needs!
Our DPF delete bundles include a programmer with tuning options that can help you customize your truck to suit your specific driving style and requirements.
For example, if you want better fuel efficiency and long term reliability, keep it on the lowest setting, where NO horsepower is added to the truck.
But, if you want a bit more juice, you can adjust your power setting,
In most cases, you can add a bit of power, between 30-60HP for towing,
or lots more power, up to 150-200HP if you want as much power as possible.
You can adjust the settings to get your truck running just the way you like it.
It’s all about giving you the control to tweak and tune as you see fit.
Just give us a shout if you need any advice or tips!